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Sachin Rekhi

Sachin Rekhi is the Founder & CEO of Notejoy, a collaborative notes app for you and your team. Notejoy offers a deep integration with HubSpot, making it the perfect companion app for all your sale notes.


reeseh on März 08, 2018
Hubspot is a great CRM, but the biggest problem I've faces is not being able to do a mass search of customer notes. If I have a customer I need to contact, I may not remember their name, but I do remember that I noted that they raise golden retrieve Beitrag ansehen
45 Antworten
Dezember 26, 2019
@gelflex-cc happy to provide a demo of Notejoy's integration with HubSpot. You can schedule one here .
reeseh on März 08, 2018
Hubspot is a great CRM, but the biggest problem I've faces is not being able to do a mass search of customer notes. If I have a customer I need to contact, I may not remember their name, but I do remember that I noted that they raise golden retrieve Beitrag ansehen
45 Antworten
Dezember 26, 2019
@gelflex-cc happy to provide a demo of Notejoy's integration with HubSpot. You can schedule one here .
JafSiddiqi on September 12, 2018
I need to be able to upload images into a note on contacts in Hubspot. I understand that files can only be uploaded into notes on the desktop version, not mobile also. Is there any way to upload an image file for each contact. The image is of a Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
November 21, 2019
I wanted to mention that Notejoy , a collaborative notes app, integrates deeply with HubSpot, allowing you to create, view, and edit notes directly ...Beitrag ansehen
reeseh on März 08, 2018
Hubspot is a great CRM, but the biggest problem I've faces is not being able to do a mass search of customer notes. If I have a customer I need to contact, I may not remember their name, but I do remember that I noted that they raise golden retrieve Beitrag ansehen
45 Antworten
Dezember 26, 2019
@gelflex-cc happy to provide a demo of Notejoy's integration with HubSpot. You can schedule one here .
geekateegeek on Juni 08, 2017
I'm looking to view all the notes added to contacts recently. I've tried adding a notes column into the view but there isn't one. How would I go about this?
11 Antworten
November 21, 2019
I wanted to mention that Notejoy , a collaborative notes app, integrates deeply with HubSpot, allowing you to create, view, and collaboratively edit...Beitrag ansehen
sachinr on Februar 04, 2019
In our app we are requesting the following scopes: contacts timeline oauth. When a super admin goes through the OAuth 2.0 flow to authorize our app, everything works as expected. However, when a non-super admin goes through the OAuth 2.0 flo Beitrag ansehen
22 Antworten
Februar 07, 2019
Sure, app details here: 1. App ID: 186337 2. Hub ID: 5304870 3. User Email: ada@ So we've created an integration with our app, Notejoy, a c...Beitrag ansehen
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