
Member since ‎Aug 8, 2018
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Rick Yuzzi

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rickuz on July 21, 2022
I am suddenly getting a web notification for every visit to our website from our employees, including my own visits, as well as a random number of email notifications about those visits. My understanding is this is now happening because Hubspot mad read more
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rickuz on April 07, 2021
As a Hubspot Admin I reply to comments on our blog. I might need to make a correction to an answer after submitting the reply, or simply want to correct a grammar mistake I notice that I made. I am usually typing the reply in is a small window, so read more
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Colleen on June 15, 2020
I would love it if one day there was the ability to use the HubSpot Browser Extension on Microsoft Edge & Explorer. This would be helpful for businesses that use Microsoft rather than G-Suite and allow for notifications such as revisit notificat read more
10 Replies
January 04, 2021
I would also like this. Chrome has stopped working on my PC, and I am unable to fix it. I've been using Microsoft Edge, and would like to use the more
Babel_Gem on June 21, 2017
I'm not sure whether others find this as frustrating (or even know that it happens!) but we regularly find in our own portal and with clients that if you send a sales email using the Outlook or Gmail integration, 'log to CRM' and CC someone who is n read more
January 23, 2020
One thing you can do as an admin is globally block specific emails or all emails from a specific domain from being logged as a contact. I will do more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
January 01, 2019
I'm glad this feature is now in planning. Hopefully it will not be complicated to implement. We are looking forward to testing it when in beta and more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
January 01, 2019
I'm glad this feature is now in planning. Hopefully it will not be complicated to implement. We are looking forward to testing it when in beta and more
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