
Member since ‎Dec 5, 2023
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ymt77 on May 10, 2024
Good afternoon. Our team setup a personalization token that we add to our links which just contains a user's ID number, and by adding this to the end of our URLs we've been able to track people who click on our HubSpot email links using our CDP. read more
May 13, 2024
Good morning. Thank you so much for the thorough response! I will connect with my team and see if we can update all the base links in our emails, more
ymt77 on May 10, 2024
Good afternoon. Our team setup a personalization token that we add to our links which just contains a user's ID number, and by adding this to the end of our URLs we've been able to track people who click on our HubSpot email links using our CDP. read more
May 13, 2024
Good morning. Thank you so much for the thorough response! I will connect with my team and see if we can update all the base links in our emails, more
ymt77 on December 15, 2023
This is a follow-up post to my other one about personalizing our email links with something we can use to identify our users with. From talking with our team, I found that we are already mapping the Hubspot contact ID from each Hubspot record read more
December 18, 2023
Hi, Karsten. Yeah this was the one that got sent into the spam folder. I marked your reply as the solution. Thank you!
ymt77 on December 15, 2023
My post got marked as spam. Would someone be able to please move it out the spam folder for me? Thank you.
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 18, 2023
Hi, Karsten. Perfect, thank you so much!
ymt77 on December 15, 2023
My post got marked as spam. Would someone be able to please move it out the spam folder for me? Thank you.
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 18, 2023
Hi, Karsten. Perfect, thank you so much!
ymt77 on December 15, 2023
My post got marked as spam. Would someone be able to please move it out the spam folder for me? Thank you.
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 18, 2023
Hi, Karsten. Perfect, thank you so much!
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