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Pablo Delfin Hipolito

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PDelfinHipoli on Januar 10, 2025
Hi HubSpot Community, I’m working on a project where I need to set up a workflow that triggers every time a call engagement is saved via the HubSpot API, and it should apply to all contacts and all calls. Do I need to set a specific status for the Beitrag ansehen
Juli 10, 2024
Hey @Kevin-C Thank you very much for the answer, what is still not entirely clear to me is how to add that button to open the modal
PDelfinHipoli on Juli 10, 2024
Hi HubSpot Support Team, I am developing an app for HubSpot and would like to know how I can create custom components that are automatically installed in the accounts of users who install my app. I would appreciate any guidance or documentation yo Beitrag ansehen
Juli 09, 2024
Hello, I have this, but I don't know if that is enough because they are asking me for this Shared Data Table: Your listing's "Shared Data" table...Beitrag ansehen
PDelfinHipoli on Juli 08, 2024
Hi, I am developing an application and would like to add a custom modal window, similar to the attached images, to be displayed to the client during the installation process. Could you please guide me on how to implement this in HubSpot? Thank you Beitrag ansehen
PDelfinHipoli on Juli 08, 2024
Hi, I am trying to submit my app for approval in HubSpot, but I received the following message from the HubSpot team: Shared Data Table: Your listing's "Shared Data" table does not properly reflect all OAuth scopes your app requests. Please Beitrag ansehen
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