
トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
コミュニティー参加日: ‎8 3, 2018
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Josh Paul

HubSpot changed my life and my family's future. I have used HubSpot every day since 2010 and grew my last company from 10 leads/month to 300 leads/month using only HubSpot marketing and sales platforms. Today,I am now a HubSpot partner – providing both consulting and training on the marketing, sales, and service platforms. I help people get the most from their HubSpot investment. DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? >>> I am generating leads using HubSpot, but not enough of them are turning into customers. >>> I don’t feel confident in my lead management process (i.e. We’re wasting money on marketing because I don’t feel like all of the leads we are bringing in are being worked.) >>> My sales team is having trouble tracking and following up with inbound leads. >>> I don’t have good visibility into where leads and deals are in the sales process. >>> My sales team is telling me they can’t handle all of the inbound leads coming in, but I don’t want to increase my headcount. IF IT IS LIKE I'M INSIDE YOUR HEAD, MY TEAM AND I CAN HELP. Simply reach out in this community, on social media, or by visiting https://pipelineops.com.


トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
1月 03日, 2024
@PamCotton Quick question about your reference to "you can make an invoice in HubSpot manually and have it sync over to Quickbooks." In the integra...続きを読む
joshua-paul 4月 18日, 2022
In order to use HubSpot Payments for many of our clients, we need to be able to take a despoit using a payment link. Then, once we have the credit card on file, we need to be able to enroll the customer in a subscription later that day or the follow 続きを読む
1 いいね!
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トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
10月 12日, 2021
Isabella, here is a common list we use for the US and Canada. america_slash_new_york america_slash_chicago america_slash_toronto america_slash_...続きを読む
トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
3月 03日, 2021
I'm happy to walk you through it. Send me a direct message or shoot me a note at josh@pipelineops.com and we'll get a call set up.
トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
2月 18日, 2021
Great question, Graham. I don't pay much attention to industry benchmarks with chatbots because there are too many variables -- from traffic volume t...続きを読む
トップ投稿者 | Platinum Partner
8月 28日, 2020
It is rarely a good idea to delete or move deals from the "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost" deal stages. You lose a whole lot of historical sales and clo...続きを読む




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