
Member since ‎Aug 2, 2018
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fmckeon1 on January 25, 2018
Hi, I'm trying to create a Related Posts section for my blog - . I used Tables to set this up. However, I quickly discovered that the table isn't responsive - (see bottom of this post - https://i read more
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13 Replies
August 24, 2018
Hi @the_emily_b , The Custom HubL module is now being replaced by creating a Custom Module instead but they still have the same functionality. more
FloStu on August 10, 2018
Hi, we are currently developing our new website in the staging environment. Our problem at the moment is that we have some draft website-pages, which are very complex but we need them for the new site. Currently, only live website-pages can be read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
August 11, 2018
I think that's the most pretty straightforward solution I could also think of. But please do be mindful when unpublishing those pages as they'll be more
JJ_Anderson on August 10, 2018
Certain browsers (Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer) do not want to display an embedded YouTube video because they view it as "insecure content". Is there any way to fix this? See and click "Play Video"...
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4 Replies
August 11, 2018
Hey there, Are you able to take a screenshot of the error displayed in the browser's console? We can start from that. L
MrCapp on August 01, 2018
Hello there. I'm trying to figure out how to apply two different css classes to my blog post entries as they are generated. In the code below, I have <div class="post-item"> and I would like to append a class to each instance to affect read more
1 upvote
11 Replies
August 02, 2018
If you want the items to be grouped inside a row, you can use this code instead {% for content in contents %} {{ '<div class="row">' if more
MrCapp on August 01, 2018
Hello there. I'm trying to figure out how to apply two different css classes to my blog post entries as they are generated. In the code below, I have <div class="post-item"> and I would like to append a class to each instance to affect read more
1 upvote
11 Replies
August 02, 2018
If you want the items to be grouped inside a row, you can use this code instead {% for content in contents %} {{ '<div class="row">' if more
MrCapp on August 01, 2018
Hello there. I'm trying to figure out how to apply two different css classes to my blog post entries as they are generated. In the code below, I have <div class="post-item"> and I would like to append a class to each instance to affect read more
1 upvote
11 Replies
August 02, 2018
If you want the items to be grouped inside a row, you can use this code instead {% for content in contents %} {{ '<div class="row">' if more
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