
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2023
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Hattie Fawcett

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SVanDuyse on January 28, 2022
We'd like to be able to limit the view/edit/use rights for Products to certain teams/users, just like with all data objects. Specific use case: client has 2 divisions. All data is split for the specific teams, but overarching sales managers ne read more
10 Replies
June 20, 2024
Definitely a must on this!! Sales teams don't need to see every single product in the library, only those relevant to their own teams.
Niamh on August 13, 2020
Similarly to the iphone or Outlook setup it would be useful to have a color code that could be used from the contact board to identify contacts quickly, instead of using a custom property.
14 Replies
June 20, 2024
Just had one of our teams asking for this as well in the contact view - would be great for the sales teams to run through their lists and easily be more
hattiefawcett on June 06, 2024
I want to embed the preference centre on a non-HubSpot website and it seems I can't. I tried putting an adjusted version of the PC code on our site but it kept crashing. I tried recreating a HS form to 'act' as a preference centre but it doe read more
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dwhittington on July 01, 2020
For various reasons, we have used the same form template for a few scenarios e.g. Webinar signups. From this, it would be ideal to filter by conversion page that is stored against the form submission to ensure you are emailing the contact the co read more
15 Replies
May 21, 2024
This is a must!!
hattiefawcett on April 25, 2024
Anyone know a workaround to speed up the process of Dotdigital Engagement Cloud syncs? It takes us forever because of having to scan through all the excluded data. We're dealing with millions of contacts and it's just not practical. Started a sync a read more
hattiefawcett on November 28, 2023
Hi there, I'm trying to build a ramp-up workflow sending emails to a random split of contacts over a certain amount of time. However I can't seem to manually adjust the number or percentage of contacts to split down each branch of the workflow despi read more
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