
Member since ‎Aug 1, 2018
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Donna Brown

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donnab on November 30, 2023
Great idea for the HubSpot/Linked In connection. Sometimes the Linked In Sales Navigator contact finder on the contact page of HubSpot just does not find the person when I know that they are on Linked In and I can find them. Any chance we could h read more
Momentum on June 01, 2020
I implemented the LinkedIn app connection within Hubspot, upgraded to Navigator Teams to have the CRM integration. The main reason I will not be contuining with this integration is because there is no functionality to include snippets within the InM read more
6 Replies
October 12, 2023
Yes I already have a Linked In Snippet in HubSpot that I use that uses tokens. I log it as an email then cut and paste it directly into the Linked more
PhocosJP on July 25, 2017
Hello, I think it would be a great if youc ould allow users to attach files to tasks during task creation. Often times, tasks are created for task owners to review documents that it would be very convenient to have attached to the task when the read more
39 Replies
May 31, 2023
I would love to have this feature it would save so much time going back to do the research before you move ahead and perfrom the task. Is this in more
donnab on May 16, 2023
Hey I would love to be able to go back into a call once I have saved it and create a task connected to that call. Sometimes I really need to reflect and think about what is the next step before creating a task. Either that or be able to create a t read more
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donnab on October 19, 2022
Role: Market Development Lead Generator Goal: To understand the history of the contact better Let me know if it was a recent Opt Out of Email or if this was something they did along time ago. There role in the company may have changed since the read more
donnab on October 07, 2022
Could we please have the contact name and title on the task bar. That way we can look at it in the company level and see who we have outstanding tasks for. As a lead generator this would really be a short cut for me having to open each of the task read more
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