
Member since ‎Jul 31, 2018
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Laila Lotfi

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Undo on March 05, 2024
A user of our website live chat complained about the UX being poor, i.e. they wanted to minimise the chat popup window, but couldn't figure out how. The X looks like it's to close the popup windows. They were looking for a - sign to minimise the po read more
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larsac on March 28, 2022
Be able to write in bold, italic, or underlined when making social media posts. Via the "social networks" window --> "create a post on social networks".
1 Reply
September 07, 2022
I'd also add: being able to format text in courier font to represent code / commands.
Wschutt on August 14, 2017
It would be extremely helpful to our team to be able to enroll contacts at specific points in a workflow. It's been difficult for us to create work-arounds in order to do this, especially in workflows where many If/Then branches are needed. For exa read more
26 Replies
May 26, 2021
Gosh, I've needed this multiple times. It's so irritating to have to create a duplicate worflow with a tiny tweak just for a lead or two.
LizO on August 02, 2018
In the prospects sales tool, see recent activities in the report. This would be information like pages views at the company level. Example: An employee of a company visit your site but doesn't complete a form. This is a tool we used that vani read more
44 Replies
April 11, 2019
@asifrehmani - yes we ended up having to purchase LeadForensics to do exactly this job. Not happy with HubSpot removing the Prospect Tool more
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