
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
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John Kelleher

Co-founder of ESM Inbound. A HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency.


LFerenciak on August 28, 2023
Currently, if you set up a CTA in the beta format, you cannot edit the text within a form's GDPR text. The text size cannot be edited, nor can the color. This makes it challenging to fit the CTA correctly when GDPR text is required. Please consider Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
November 06, 2023
When creating a CTA with a dark background, it's impossible to style the GDPR text as white. This is a big accessibility fail.
CaitlinRose on März 03, 2021
Allow a workflow whereby if a deal is associated with a company (and than cmpany has associated contacts), then the contacts are pulled and automatically assigned to the deal. This would also work the other way where if a deal had an associated Beitrag ansehen
67 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Februar 15, 2023
It amazes me that this isn't baked into Operations Hub. We routinely custom code this and, when the client doesn't have Operations Hub, solve via mid...Beitrag ansehen
mwelch on September 22, 2020
Today we’re thrilled to announce that custom objects are live and available for all Enterprise accounts. You can now create objects that are specifically tailored to your use case. For example, create a real estate Listing object and associate m Beitrag ansehen
17 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Februar 01, 2021
Hi Brandy, Did this go live in 2020? If not, then what's the ETA for this to be delivered? John
JKelleher on Oktober 05, 2020
The HubSpot-generated sitemap can only be hosted at [subdomain].[yourdomain].[tld]/sitemap.xml - for example: This is fine when using CMS Hub Professional. It's fine when using CMS Hub Enterprise without reve Beitrag ansehen
JKelleher on September 12, 2019
When creating a hidden multicheck field on a form, the submitted data will overwrite rather than append to the data in the existing contact property. For us and many of our clients, this isn't the expected behaviour. They are expecting the hidd Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
atma on Juni 16, 2018
Allow customers to log in and see their Ticket inbox, history, statuses, replies etc. Ideally integrate this with Knowedge Base too.
221 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Februar 25, 2019
Yes, please. We love Service Hub but this feels like a crucial missing feature.
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