
Member since ‎Jul 25, 2018
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Guy Levine

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andres on March 10, 2017
Hello! It would be amazing that the software recognize the links in a document. In our proposals we have a PDF that we send to our customers, and into the document you can find links like: "Do you want know more? Click here". Pressing here, th read more
47 Replies
April 15, 2019
Hi - I have been on to support about - the links are there just on a tiny hotspot.
karinamariotti on November 02, 2018
The sales team needs to be able to view a report that shows upcoming close dates for deal in particular stages. Ideally, it would be a report that would show the NEXT 120 days. Currently, the only options for rolling date ranges are for the L read more
December 13, 2018
It would also be good to have the ability to say number of days, not just fixed dates on date properties in the deal object, not just contact.
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