
Miembro desde ‎jul 25, 2018
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Alon Eisenberg

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Junio 12, 2024
Agreed. This would give a nice overview of the general distribution of the CTAs.
Enero 27, 2022
Hubspot used to have this feature. It was INCREDIBLY useful...and then without warning or reason, they just removed it one day despite many petitions...Leer más
Alon_E en Enero 04, 2021
There's nothing more frustrating than being told "that's a great idea"after suggesting ways to improve your product, and then in the same breathe be told to add it to the forum, where it will be monitored by development teams. I'm a busy person Leer más
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Alon_E en Julio 23, 2020
Although this feature exists on the general CTA overview page, it would be useful to have this information available after clicking on an individual CTA as well... Even better, would be if some CTR/Submission info were avaialable for each indivi Leer más
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Noviembre 20, 2019
Hard to believe this isn't the default.
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