
Miembro desde ‎nov 14, 2023
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Stephanie Day

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Diciembre 02, 2024
The tasks would be linked to company and contact records, but that's correct - I don't want to use the owner properties for this. I'll try creati...Leer más
SDay29 en Diciembre 02, 2024
Hello, I'm wondering if there's a way to create a round robin task assignment within a workflow? For example, we have an onboarding workflow and would like call tasks to be generated and assigned to our sales reps equally - is there a way to do thi Leer más
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4 Respuestas
Octubre 04, 2024
Great, thanks so much for confirming!
Octubre 04, 2024
Thank you! Also, is there a way to randomly assign contacts to test groups? If I create a property titled "Test Group" and use the "Set property as" ...Leer más
SDay29 en Octubre 03, 2024
Hello, Is there any way to do an uneven percentage split test within a HubSpot workflow? For example, I have a control treatment that I'd like 75% of contacts to receive and a test treatment that I'd like to send to the remaining 25%. Can this Leer más
2 Me gusta
5 Respuestas
Marzo 21, 2024
I just set up that separate workflow as you suggested and it worked! Thanks so much!
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