
Member since ‎Nov 13, 2023
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Thomas Sygut

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Susino on February 27, 2024
Hi! I face a problem with animation in the page editor. Please see this video. Would you happen to have any ideas on how to fix it? Is there any event that can call the function again read more
JohnLaprairie on October 27, 2020
Hello, We are looking at some Google speed suggestions and for mobile users they recommend PWAs. There are pros and cons to this of course in terms of presenting updated information to mobile users but I don't want to get into that conversation. D read more
1 upvote
17 Replies
February 27, 2024
Thank you! It worked. The main problem was all the time with sw.js file destination.
JohnLaprairie on October 27, 2020
Hello, We are looking at some Google speed suggestions and for mobile users they recommend PWAs. There are pros and cons to this of course in terms of presenting updated information to mobile users but I don't want to get into that conversation. D read more
1 upvote
17 Replies
February 27, 2024
Thank you! It worked. The main problem was all the time with sw.js file destination.
JohnLaprairie on October 27, 2020
Hello, We are looking at some Google speed suggestions and for mobile users they recommend PWAs. There are pros and cons to this of course in terms of presenting updated information to mobile users but I don't want to get into that conversation. D read more
1 upvote
17 Replies
February 27, 2024
Thank you! It worked. The main problem was all the time with sw.js file destination.
JohnLaprairie on October 27, 2020
Hello, We are looking at some Google speed suggestions and for mobile users they recommend PWAs. There are pros and cons to this of course in terms of presenting updated information to mobile users but I don't want to get into that conversation. D read more
1 upvote
17 Replies
February 27, 2024
Thank you! It worked. The main problem was all the time with sw.js file destination.
JohnLaprairie on October 27, 2020
Hello, We are looking at some Google speed suggestions and for mobile users they recommend PWAs. There are pros and cons to this of course in terms of presenting updated information to mobile users but I don't want to get into that conversation. D read more
1 upvote
17 Replies
February 27, 2024
Thank you! It worked. The main problem was all the time with sw.js file destination.
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