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Benjamin Bachman

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gra-benjamin on Januar 09, 2019
I have a button on a page that is not a CTA button. When a user clicks the button I have an anchor tag set to move the person down the page to fill out a form. This is working correctly as intended but I am also looking to see if I can also auto-pop Beitrag ansehen
Januar 10, 2019
Yes I actually got the help of the original template developer to solve this for me. Here is what we did: I gave the Form module this class: ...Beitrag ansehen
gra-benjamin on Januar 09, 2019
I have a button on a page that is not a CTA button. When a user clicks the button I have an anchor tag set to move the person down the page to fill out a form. This is working correctly as intended but I am also looking to see if I can also auto-pop Beitrag ansehen
Januar 10, 2019
Yes I actually got the help of the original template developer to solve this for me. Here is what we did: I gave the Form module this class: ...Beitrag ansehen
Woodsy on Mai 19, 2017
Hi, Im trying to add a link to a cta button so that when clicked the page scrolls. Unfortunatly in the cta edit I need to add a valid URL protocol to the link field. I can only add the whole url which forces the page to reload to the anchor point ra Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
Januar 09, 2019
This is something that has come up on several of my projects. I would love this addition to the toolset.
lalexander on November 14, 2018
Hi team, It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals cou Beitrag ansehen
November 15, 2018
It seems that the HubSpot Products has a long way to go to be integrated into the Hubspot platform. This would be extremely helpful and almost expect...Beitrag ansehen
gra-benjamin on Juli 23, 2018
I am interested if anyone can help me with creating a testimonial slider module? It would have the ability to have three or four testimonies that could all be swiped or clicked through an arrow to advance or go back to the previous one. Any help Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
Juli 23, 2018
Thank you so much!!
gra-benjamin on Juli 23, 2018
I am interested if anyone can help me with creating a testimonial slider module? It would have the ability to have three or four testimonies that could all be swiped or clicked through an arrow to advance or go back to the previous one. Any help Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
Juli 23, 2018
Thank you so much!!
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