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Glen Fair

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JCraft2 on Juli 07, 2023
Does anyone know if there is a way to assign collaborators through workflow using another Deal property? Right now, assigning collaborators is very manual.
3 Antworten
Mai 07, 2024
Agreed. We automatically want to assign a collab for a rep in a different division. The Collab tool is already there so why wouldn't the capability b...Beitrag ansehen
Simon_C on Oktober 26, 2022
Requires Service Hub Professional Hello HubSpot community! My name is Simon and I work on the HubSpot Support team. Currently HubSpot supports automated Ticket creation via the Conversations Inbox. Taking this a step further to the De Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 23, 2023
@Simon_C thank you for finding this solution. I skimmed these posts but wanted to confirm: this appears to require the service hub correct? I find ...Beitrag ansehen
ADielman on Juli 17, 2023
Hey y'all -- My team recently ran into an interesting issue. After Hubspot Support couldn't solve it, they suggested I post it here. Essentially, we have tried as many Permissions settings as possible, yet every Hubspot user on our Portal is Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
November 10, 2023
Agreed this needs to be updated. It's interesting how we can restrict visibility yet this section allows a work around
GFair6 on November 09, 2023
Hi! As management teams we read the daily activity logs of our teams and it shows where the post was done -- i.e. if the client's name was Mike Smith -- but not the company they are associated with. This can be a challenge when we are reading recaps Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
GFair-Trucks on Mai 09, 2023
Hello! The management team likes to get a daily recap of the sales team's activities so they could offer help and watch what the staff is encountering. We have yet to find how to implement that with HubSpot. Has anyone else experienced this and can Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
November 08, 2023
Solved! We brought this up during onboarding and Alex @ OpenFlow was able to guide us. Reporting >> Analytics Tools >> Sales Ana...Beitrag ansehen
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