
Member since ‎Nov 8, 2023
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Edward Pino

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EPino91 on June 05, 2024
Currently, the advanced feature for selecting cover images is limited to 50 videos. Beyond this limit, you need to turn off advanced features for older videos to enable them for newer ones. This was marked as resolved last year but it's still no read more
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EPino91 on June 04, 2024
Only solution HS has for selecting Cover Images on Videos is to go to Files, looking into Details, and then being able to select a limited amount of frames per second mark within the video (as an advanced feature). However, this is limited to only 5 read more
EPino91 on June 04, 2024
I see the option for tagging instagram accounts when scheduling or trying to publish videos on the Social side but it used to drop down options when typing the profile names to let you select and confirm that account. Now that dropdown no longer wor read more
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EPino91 on January 04, 2024
When posting a reel to the native Instagram or Facebook app, they could have a library of music to be to select and OVERWRITE the audio on our native file or we can MIX the audio and keep our native sound and play a little of the new song in the bac read more
5 Replies
April 03, 2024
Nice spotify ad but that link looks sketch and as commercial or business we can't really use those copyrighted music so I'm guessing a reason that more
EPino91 on February 14, 2024
This would help social media managers or anybopdy posting/scheduling on the Social Media side. The goal would be that when we are scheduling a video reel for IG/FB/LinkedIn/etc, we have the ability to add colloboration as the new IG feature is allow read more
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EPino91 on November 08, 2023
Would like to be able to schedule social posts and the option to choose the Video or Reel Cover image. Videos have been publishing with the first frame as the cover photo and it is not attention grabbing when the video or reel is transitioning from read more
8 Replies
February 01, 2024
The selection of a frame within the video did appear but still a faulty and not the greatest solution to this problem. When we upload a video on the more
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