
Member since ‎Nov 7, 2023
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Digmodel on December 24, 2023
Hey, Investigating the possibility of integrating a web map (OpenLayer) with an html module. Is it possible to install OpenLayers library (locally?) so that all dependencies are identified correctly in the html, css and js files? Using a free pl read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 25, 2023
Managed to change the c onfiguration of CLI to my HubSpot account ((143574610). Hopefully local dependecies will work after uploading modified more
Digmodel on December 24, 2023
Hey, Investigating the possibility of integrating a web map (OpenLayer) with an html module. Is it possible to install OpenLayers library (locally?) so that all dependencies are identified correctly in the html, css and js files? Using a free pl read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 25, 2023
Managed to change the c onfiguration of CLI to my HubSpot account ((143574610). Hopefully local dependecies will work after uploading modified more
Digmodel on December 24, 2023
Hey, Investigating the possibility of integrating a web map (OpenLayer) with an html module. Is it possible to install OpenLayers library (locally?) so that all dependencies are identified correctly in the html, css and js files? Using a free pl read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 25, 2023
Managed to change the c onfiguration of CLI to my HubSpot account ((143574610). Hopefully local dependecies will work after uploading modified more
Digmodel on November 07, 2023
Hey, Try to cennect a domain to hubspot. Everything is fine until i get to the activation of SSL. It says that the activation is ongoing and might take 4 hours. The problem is that it has taken 24 hours and still not activated. Followed the trou read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
November 09, 2023
After 72h the SSL activation was completed as mentioned in the links.
Digmodel on November 07, 2023
Hey, Try to cennect a domain to hubspot. Everything is fine until i get to the activation of SSL. It says that the activation is ongoing and might take 4 hours. The problem is that it has taken 24 hours and still not activated. Followed the trou read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
November 09, 2023
After 72h the SSL activation was completed as mentioned in the links.
Digmodel on November 07, 2023
Hey, Try to cennect a domain to hubspot. Everything is fine until i get to the activation of SSL. It says that the activation is ongoing and might take 4 hours. The problem is that it has taken 24 hours and still not activated. Followed the trou read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
November 09, 2023
After 72h the SSL activation was completed as mentioned in the links.
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