
Member since ‎Nov 6, 2023
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Lauren Hammons

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CarlaCCA on February 14, 2019
Hi There! My suggestion for a feature addition to workflows would be to Have the ability to "Enroll Contacts" at any point within the workflow itself (not just at the beginning). Add contacts to a workflow mid-way through via lists, other workf read more
9 Replies
February 21, 2024
Has this been updated yet? In our workflows, we have Task #1 -> Task #2 -> Task 3, but when we have a contact leave or their role changes, more
LHammons on December 22, 2023
We recently changed to hubspot and there a process we used before that I would like to try and replicate if possible. I have created a workflow that will assign a task for a call from our sales rep, but in the task box, or the log a call box, i read more
December 22, 2023
I'm not sure if that is what I am looking for. I have a workflow already created, that has a branches which assigns tasks based off the contact lead more
LHammons on December 22, 2023
We recently changed to hubspot and there a process we used before that I would like to try and replicate if possible. I have created a workflow that will assign a task for a call from our sales rep, but in the task box, or the log a call box, i read more
December 22, 2023
I'm not sure if that is what I am looking for. I have a workflow already created, that has a branches which assigns tasks based off the contact lead more
LHammons on December 13, 2023
Hello! I have created a POC association so I can see who is the primary point of contact for a company. When sending out direct mailers or have designated campaigns running, I want to send them to the POC of the company. But now that I am able read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 14, 2023
As of right now, I am using an association to label the primary contact for a company. Is there a better way to do it? I will have a look at the more
LHammons on December 13, 2023
Hello! I have created a POC association so I can see who is the primary point of contact for a company. When sending out direct mailers or have designated campaigns running, I want to send them to the POC of the company. But now that I am able read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 14, 2023
As of right now, I am using an association to label the primary contact for a company. Is there a better way to do it? I will have a look at the more
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
We’re in a data-driven era, where datasets are shared between marketing, sales, and customer service teams to increase organizational effectiveness and facilitate alignment. When you have high levels of inconsistent data, it’s not just one team tak read more
1813 Replies
November 06, 2023
We are trying to touch base with everyone in our database every 3-6 months, and with that, the follow up calls are meant to scrub those contacts and more
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