
Member since ‎Jul 16, 2018
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Andrea Molinaro

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Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme read more
July 28, 2022
This should get started! Appointment times are necessary to track!
annemarien on August 26, 2020
We've conducted an internal review of properties and one of the needs was to see the values in dropdowns/checkboxes, and the only way was to manually copy out the values. Would be useful to be able to export them instead. Also do you need an ide read more
65 Replies
January 14, 2022
This is definitely needed. I spent days going through support since I have a dropdown of over 1,000 options. When exporting it doesn't export all more
Anna4 on December 03, 2019
I'd love a way to set all Exonar's Hubspot users who have Gmail integration to have the Log email setting auto-set to off. I'm finding that people's personal emails are being logged in the system which naturally we don't want to happen. Or Su read more
2 Replies
May 28, 2021
Agreed! Ability to set this default at the Admin level is absolutely needed!
Peterson on February 24, 2020
It would be great to export the data that you see in the history tab of the workflows, including dates of contact enrollment, meets the goal, finishes the workflow, who has errors, etc.
50 Replies
September 11, 2020
I'm tired of creating date properties as a workaround. The information is there, we should be able to use it/export it!
EvaDixon on August 14, 2018
It would be great to have the option to disable email attachments from being automatically saved to Companies / Contacts. There is no need for us to store this information in Hubspot and often the same file is saved multiple times (if the same atta read more
38 Replies
December 20, 2019
Desperatly needed! There needs to be a clean way to store records (attachments) on a contact record, without having numerous logos from email more
MG on May 05, 2017
Currently if a user has access to edit one contact's property, they have access to edit all contact properties. We have the ability to restrict a user from creating or deleting properties but it would be incredibly helpful to restrict the edit read more
105 Replies
November 10, 2018
Absoultely needed. This has been a request of many users for awhile now. Is there an update as to when this ability will be created?? I've more
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