
Miembro desde ‎nov 1, 2023
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Josh Trygg

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Diciembre 18, 2024
Hey, appreciate you taking the time to put some working code in here. I’ll give it a go and report back. Thank you.
JTrygg en Diciembre 18, 2024
I'm using Hubspot workflows, specifically one of the custom code modules. I'm trying to import the PublicMergeInput class into my python 3.9 custom code. I am getting an ImportModuleError... cannot import name 'PublicMergeInput' from 'hubspot.crm. Leer más
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2 Respuestas
JTrygg en Septiembre 27, 2024
Hey there, I'm interested in turning on the Double Opt-In feature in Hubspot. I'm wondering how this works when a new contact fills out a form that is gating an asset? For instance, does the Contact need to confirm their email via the double op Leer más
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2 Respuestas
JTrygg en Junio 24, 2024
I have pulled email events from this endpoint - I have a use case where I'd like to relate any given email event to the specific email the event came f Leer más
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2 Respuestas
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