
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2018
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Hugh Macken

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jonostap on February 22, 2021
I would like the ability to rename the native HubSpot Products to more closely personalize the environment to my business processes. Ex: Change the "Line Item" to "Product" I imagine the solution would involve a free text field that would le read more
9 Replies
February 03, 2023
We're a HS services provider and one of our clients has a Marketing Enterprise account which allows us to create custom objects. I've tried this more
dreamerdad on January 11, 2023
Is it possible to pull form analytics data via the Hubspot API? If so, can you clarify where to find the docs with the endpoints for this? Would we need to use the legacy API or the new API? I am trying to pull the following metrics: Views, CTR read more
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1 Reply
taran42 on September 04, 2020
I am looking to have an automated script that I will export some of my data from Hubspot (Companies, Contacts and Deals) via the API and save that data in a separate Excel file for each. I looked into the API tutorials that Hubspot had to offer and read more
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14 Replies
December 09, 2022
Can someone clarify the API query parameters I should use to pull utm source data as shown below? Alternatively, I'd like to schedule weekly reports more
FinallyMatt on July 02, 2020
When negotiating a deal, dropping a custom discount on-the-fly can often be what ultimately tips a lead to a customer. In turn, that discount changes the value of a deal...or at least, it should! The trouble is, right now it doesn't. Custom read more
June 11, 2022
It's great to hear that a workflow could help as a workaround. That said, having an *option* in Deal settings to allow the deal amount to always more
taylorfriss on June 21, 2017
Contacts are double booking without canceling their previous meeting! It would be great if they got a HubSpot confirmation email with a reschedule button on it, or if the Contact already has a meeting book, the Meetings page recognizes it and presen read more
136 Replies
June 30, 2020
I'd love to see this implemented as well.
Ccortez on August 28, 2017
In Sidekick for Outlook it is currently possible to edit contact and company properties, as well as edit and add tasks. Whereas for Deals, it is only possible to view associated deals in Sidekick and be delivered to the deal record in HubSpot when y read more
April 28, 2020
When someone emails me asking for a proposal. I normally respond via google apps email and I want to, at that point, while i am in google apps more
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