
Member since ‎Jul 10, 2018
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Andy Burchardt

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Rahel on January 20, 2017
Hi We gathered our team members in a HubDB and have them displayed on our website. We would like to rearrange the order, e.g. make it alphabetical or change it from time to time. Is there a possibility? Thanks, Rahel
46 Replies
September 25, 2020
Big thumbs up to this idea. We use HubDB for a lot of things, but one of them is serving up an index of resources like guides, webinars, and case more
shawn2nd on August 07, 2020
I find it extremely cumbersome that I cannot clone modules directly in the page editor, this would be EXTREMELY useful. Here's an example with a portal I manage: If you scroll down about half way, you'll see t read more
September 25, 2020
I agree that this would save designers and page builders a lot of time. I'd also love the ability to import a custom module (and it's entire more
burchardta on September 25, 2020
It would be an absolute game changer to be able to code modules with a CSS preprocessor like LESS or SASS right in the Design Tools editor, which Hubspot would then compile, minify, and serve up as CSS files. I know using LESS or SASS to build H read more
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