
Member since ‎Oct 24, 2023
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Mateo Cortes

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MCortes30 on October 31, 2023
Good day guys! We sell SaaS software to enterprise companies and we agreed with our CEO that "Deal Momentum" (measured as per formula in message below) is a strong indicator of whether we have a healthy deal or not. For simplification purposes, we read more
November 01, 2023
@HFisher thanks for your message! Is there a way to automate that contacts are pushed to the deal record or does it have to be done manually? - more
MCortes30 on October 31, 2023
Good day guys! We sell SaaS software to enterprise companies and we agreed with our CEO that "Deal Momentum" (measured as per formula in message below) is a strong indicator of whether we have a healthy deal or not. For simplification purposes, we read more
November 01, 2023
@HFisher thanks for your message! Is there a way to automate that contacts are pushed to the deal record or does it have to be done manually? - more
MCortes30 on October 31, 2023
Good day guys! We sell SaaS software to enterprise companies and we agreed with our CEO that "Deal Momentum" (measured as per formula in message below) is a strong indicator of whether we have a healthy deal or not. For simplification purposes, we read more
November 01, 2023
@HFisher thanks for your message! Is there a way to automate that contacts are pushed to the deal record or does it have to be done manually? - more
MCortes30 on October 24, 2023
Good day Hubspotters! Head of Sales at a small startup here trying to explain to a founder what are/are not CRM best practices. She wants a pipeline stage for deals "ON HOLD" so that she has visibility on all the deals that have not been lost for a read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
October 31, 2023
Thanks a lot Tom!
MCortes30 on October 24, 2023
Good day Hubspotters! Head of Sales at a small startup here trying to explain to a founder what are/are not CRM best practices. She wants a pipeline stage for deals "ON HOLD" so that she has visibility on all the deals that have not been lost for a read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
October 31, 2023
Thanks a lot Tom!
MCortes30 on October 24, 2023
Good day Hubspotters! Head of Sales at a small startup here trying to explain to a founder what are/are not CRM best practices. She wants a pipeline stage for deals "ON HOLD" so that she has visibility on all the deals that have not been lost for a read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
October 31, 2023
Thanks a lot Tom!
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