
Member since ‎Jul 2, 2018
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Andrew Abogado

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bomakalu on October 04, 2018
Hi there saw this: (does this work?) Is there an easy way to remove the captcha as we will lose submissions.? Thanks
1 upvote
21 Replies
June 25, 2020
I echo the concerns of other comments. Please please separate the dependencies of captcha on follow-up emails. Thanks.
d_pearson on September 13, 2017
Hi I'd like to create a custom sidebar widget which lists the most popular posts with the following information: -Title -Topic -Length to Read - Featured Image. At the moment I can only list Title and Image by using: {% post_listing " read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
March 01, 2020
I second this comment. I would like to see some control to show popular within a time period like monthly, quarterly, yearly, and all-time. Monthly more
Gabrielucc on May 16, 2018
Hi, I designed a website in html with some animations and I used 3.3 jquery version (the last one, as usual) and when I uploaded the site to hubspot I found out that it was useless because hubspot only use a 1.1 or 1.7 Jquery version from 2014. read more
February 26, 2020
Thanks for bumping up @ktwelsh . @VictoriaGumaer , I've sent you a private message. Thanks.
Gabrielucc on May 16, 2018
Hi, I designed a website in html with some animations and I used 3.3 jquery version (the last one, as usual) and when I uploaded the site to hubspot I found out that it was useless because hubspot only use a 1.1 or 1.7 Jquery version from 2014. read more
February 26, 2020
Thanks for bumping up @ktwelsh . @VictoriaGumaer , I've sent you a private message. Thanks.
lukesummerfield on July 26, 2018
UPDATE: 7/18/19 ---------------- Exciting News! We are extremely excited to introduce a new way to develop using your preferred workflows on the HubSpot CMS! This new workflow supports all Design Manager assets being represented as a tr read more
20 Replies
September 12, 2019
A bit late to find out about this. This is great! This is huge! Thank you for this upgrade. Will look at this soon.
Yoshi on May 23, 2017
Currently, there is no feature that can see that contact has ever accessed to 404 page. If we have ability to see the 404 page, we are able to identify which page is not published and we can set up the redirect.
10 Replies
December 26, 2018
Upvote this! I would like to know how to implement this or if there's a workaround. At moment, there's no visibility of pages that have been more
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