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James Traynelis

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03874 on April 25, 2024
I love the way the company logo shows on company records-- doing the same with contact records (pre-loading their linkedin profile) would take our sales outreach to the next level! Integrating profile images from either their gmail or linkedin w Beitrag ansehen
03874 on April 24, 2024
ey! the sequence metrics have really improved over the years, when you click on reply rates or meeting rates-- it would be good to see the actual activity that contributed to those numbers
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03874 on April 23, 2024
I think the marketing Home page should live under workspaces under the new navigation! Also, would love to be able to add custom reports to the bottom of that page similar to the customer success workspace!
03874 on April 23, 2024
It's a shame that it's so hard to report on blog performance by tags, keywords, and topic clusters. Obviously we can do this outside hubspot, but leadership really wants to understand not just sessions from those topics but also more in-depth f Beitrag ansehen
03874 on April 23, 2024
With the personalization features, playbooks would be an excellent way to generate detailed executive summaries, in-person meeting prep cards and more. problem is there's no way to save/download them or print them out. that would be a real Beitrag ansehen
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April 23, 2024
This would be an AMAZING FEATURE especially now that you can personalize them with data. We could generate some slick executive reports and print or ...Beitrag ansehen
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