
Member since ‎Oct 13, 2023
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Brett Carpenter

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JMayhew6 on January 23, 2024
I want to suggust to the HS product team that you address some of the limitations to Team membership. I recently learned that if a user is listed in a team as an 'Extra' team member, that this limits certain functions. For one thing, they canno read more
August 30, 2024
Another limitation is that "extra team members" aren't able to receive notifications from workflows.
Mitratech-Brett on August 12, 2024
Currently, you can only download files in bulk from the Files tool if you are a Super Admin. However, you can download files individually if you have the permissions. I'm suggesting a change to the permissions options to allow for bulk download read more
Mitratech-Brett on April 03, 2024
Problem: Any time you refresh a list view (helpful for troubleshooting migration times to Salesforce), the contacts per page value changes back to 25. This is incredibly frustrating, especially when working with larger lists. Solution: read more
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Mitratech-Brett on February 06, 2024
Hi there! I would love the ability to see how well a certain list performs with email sends - right on the list view. So if a list is used for an email send, there would be an Email tab available which would show opens, bounces, etc... fo read more
Mitratech-Brett on January 24, 2024
 I would love to see which integrations a property is used in as well as the mapping - directly from the Edit Property screen. Having to go back and forth between the screens is tiresome when trying to find if a field is mapped anywhere. read more
Hallie on May 28, 2019
Problem we are trying to solve: The ability for advanced email audience segmentation to reference multiple lists Why we are trying to solve it : We are trying to reduce the number of unique lists that we need to create (now almost at 160) read more
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November 28, 2023
I would also like to throw my support in for this idea! It can't be very hard to implement. Come on Hubspot, easy win here!
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