
Member since ‎Oct 10, 2023
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Michelle Onaka

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MOnaka on June 04, 2024
We use workflows to manage things. For instance, we're a financial planning company and have a workflow to complete QCDs on clients' accounts. For that workflow, there are multiple steps and tasks that are assigned to different people. When looking read more
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MOnaka on June 04, 2024
We use automation to assign a series of tasks often. Most of the time, the next task doesn't get assigned until the last one was completed. What I hate, is that I have to decide who to assign each task to in the automation, I can't say "assign this read more
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Shaunyim on October 05, 2020
It would be great to see the ability to connect more than 1 Cadlender per HubSpot account. For example 1 Google Calender and 1 Outlook Calender to a single HubSpot user. - Posted on behlaf of customer
58 Replies
May 07, 2024
@bomeandean and note that the Calendly/Hubspot integration isn't awesome!!! I'm trying to find something to replace it with now.
Shaunyim on October 05, 2020
It would be great to see the ability to connect more than 1 Cadlender per HubSpot account. For example 1 Google Calender and 1 Outlook Calender to a single HubSpot user. - Posted on behlaf of customer
58 Replies
May 07, 2024
@bomeandean and note that the Calendly/Hubspot integration isn't awesome!!! I'm trying to find something to replace it with now.
MOnaka on December 12, 2023
We'd like to be able to sync our calendars with Hubspot but also use the Calendly integration. However, when we did that, we had issues with appointments being duplicated since Hubspot saw the meetings on both our Outlook calendar and from Calendly. read more
CJenkins2 on December 29, 2021
It would be geat to have a native feature that will calculate the age for contacts rather than the workaround via workflow by creating a custom property "today's date".
14 Replies
November 14, 2023
I followed the instructions of Arden with the correction from @YInui and just wanted to share my experience... So one thing to note is more
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