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Member since ‎Jun 27, 2018
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Ricardo Campos

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RicardoCampos on October 27, 2020
Hi! Are there any possibility to re-upload a marketing file and not to lose the file url? In sales - documents it´s possible to do that with the re-upload option. Thanks!
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2 Replies
Top Contributor
October 27, 2020
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! True, the option it´s a little bit hidden but it works!! Regards
RicardoCampos on October 27, 2020
Hi! Are there any possibility to re-upload a marketing file and not to lose the file url? In sales - documents it´s possible to do that with the re-upload option. Thanks!
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2 Replies
Top Contributor
October 27, 2020
Thanks @karstenkoehler ! True, the option it´s a little bit hidden but it works!! Regards
RicardoCampos on July 02, 2020
Hi! I wanna reactivate a WF when a property change. I,m trying it using the property "last modification date" but I can´t re-start the workflow. Thanks!
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Top Contributor
October 14, 2020
Thanks, I tried that @yfundora but I can´t change this field every day... I manage a lot of WF and it´s impossible for me and my team. I found a more
RicardoCampos on September 29, 2020
Hi, it would be nice to be able to distinguish the readed post (in this way we´ll take our knowledge control) I can see this option in each topic board. It doesn´t work but maybe you´re planning a solution: Thanks!
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RicardoCampos on September 28, 2020
Hi, is there any option to know the readed post? I can see this option in each topic board: But, how can I mark a readed post? I can´t find a label or filter... Thanks!
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RicardoCampos on September 28, 2020
Hi! Do you know any way to create a list who contains the criteria: "email marketing xxx was never sended to this contact" This option would be useful to detect contacts who have not received this email. Thanks! **update** I´m interes read more
6 Replies
Top Contributor
September 28, 2020
Nice! Thanks so much. When you say Since we can't select "Contact was not sent email" do you mean that in the past it was possible? more
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