
Member since ‎Oct 9, 2023
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Daniel Emidio da Silva

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DanielEmidio on October 24, 2023
Hello, I have a form module for generating new deals for registered customers in HubSpot. Within this form, it checks whether the customer has a CPF (Brazilian taxpayer identification) or not. In case it's negative, it enables the CPF field and al read more
October 25, 2023
Olá, Pam! Tudo bem e você? Agradeço pelo retorno. Eu consegui resolver ontem, no final do dia. Eu ajustei a variavel data, incluindo os dados que more
DanielEmidio on October 24, 2023
Hello, I have a form module for generating new deals for registered customers in HubSpot. Within this form, it checks whether the customer has a CPF (Brazilian taxpayer identification) or not. In case it's negative, it enables the CPF field and al read more
October 25, 2023
Olá, Pam! Tudo bem e você? Agradeço pelo retorno. Eu consegui resolver ontem, no final do dia. Eu ajustei a variavel data, incluindo os dados que more
DanielEmidio on October 09, 2023
Hello, I am developing a project for my client that uses the 'MyriadPro' font, but it is not being loaded on my page and the following error message appears in my devtools: ""The resource [...] was preloaded using link preload but not used wit read more
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