
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2018
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Sarah Tolson

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pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
January 18, 2024
Yes please, happy to be included in the testing 🙂
ABischoff on January 04, 2022
There is currently not a way to add CTA reports to a dashboard and one must go into each individual CTA to view performance. This is very inefficient.
19 Replies
February 15, 2022
We would find this very useful too to allow us to track which CTAs are performing best overall on our site. Please Hubspot, add this to your list more
pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
January 18, 2024
Yes please, happy to be included in the testing 🙂
laurawerling on July 23, 2020
I wanted to use the time spent on a page as an idicator if a potential customer is a subscriber or a lead already. Sof the ideas whas if someone spends more than 120 seconds on the website, he seems to be interested in our products.
7 Replies
September 17, 2021
great idea Laura, we were looking into this for lead scoring too and I think it would be very useful.
gharper on March 22, 2020
Today, for sales emails, there is no way to separate the open metrics for the contact from the opens of those CC'd on the email. All opens on an email will be attributed to the contact(s) the email was sent to. The only way to ensure the opens are f read more
May 11, 2021
Hi, my users frequently send tracked emails through Hubspot to more than one recipient as it’s often important to maintain an e-mail chain with all more
sarahtolson on November 16, 2020
Please can you reinstate the feature of a different colour for each campaign in the Hubspot calendar? The new turquoise and purple colourway is confusing and difficult to follow. It was much easier for teams in different offices to collaborate whe read more
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