
Member since ‎Jun 25, 2018
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Josh McQueen

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alivia on February 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con read more
156 Replies
April 28, 2023
@JennyMueller Is there any update on the status of this functionality?
alivia on February 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con read more
156 Replies
April 28, 2023
@JennyMueller Is there any update on the status of this functionality?
monicaway on May 11, 2017
Business deals often involve multiple companies. How far away is Hubspot from allowing multiple companies to be assigned to deals? For example, in the field of Architecture and Construction, there is a prospective client (a company) read more
165 Replies
April 24, 2019
I would like this as well. We often have one agreement with a parent company that can have multiple child companies underneath. I would love to more
AndyPitre on April 03, 2017
Sales people use Outlook, period. And because that's what they use, that's where the information should be at. Best way to achieve this would be via Exchange integration so that people would have access to the same information even on their mobile read more
March 04, 2019
I'm not sure if it has been announced or rolled out to everyone, but my team now has this ability. A couple of weeks ago the functionality just more
AndyPitre on April 03, 2017
Sales people use Outlook, period. And because that's what they use, that's where the information should be at. Best way to achieve this would be via Exchange integration so that people would have access to the same information even on their mobile read more
March 04, 2019
I'm not sure if it has been announced or rolled out to everyone, but my team now has this ability. A couple of weeks ago the functionality just more
alivia on February 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con read more
156 Replies
April 28, 2023
@JennyMueller Is there any update on the status of this functionality?
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