
Membro desde ‎jun 25, 2018
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Jmjermaz on Março 09, 2017
I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
336 avaliações positivas
137 Respostas
Fevereiro 01, 2019
Amen. Customizable call/meeting/etc outcomes (and the ability to report on them ie: marking a Meeting type as Showed or No Showed) are necessary to u...Leia mais
BrianR on Setembro 20, 2018
I think it would be good to be able to pause a sequence. Sometimes you put a prospect on a sequence and things happen... illness, weather (hurricanes) and there is no sense continuing sending them emails and making calls when you know they aren't go Leia mais
174 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Novembro 12, 2018
Amen @CarlosM - we know we can reschedule dates and times for individual stuff...but it stinks. Not only is it important to be able to do this when...Leia mais
BrianR on Setembro 20, 2018
I think it would be good to be able to pause a sequence. Sometimes you put a prospect on a sequence and things happen... illness, weather (hurricanes) and there is no sense continuing sending them emails and making calls when you know they aren't go Leia mais
174 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Novembro 12, 2018
Amen @CarlosM - we know we can reschedule dates and times for individual stuff...but it stinks. Not only is it important to be able to do this when...Leia mais
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