
Member since ‎Jun 21, 2018
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Shane Ebert

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shaebert on August 28, 2023
Hello, I am looking at how I can track the following information and then report on it. I know how to setup some of these, but not all. Then, what is the easiest way to track these items and how can I build a report/dashboard for it? Number of read more
shaebert on February 11, 2022
Hello, We have a button with a standard offer (that takes the person to a webpage) that we provide in every marketing email we send out. Any time someone clicks the button, we want to capture that information (who clicked it and when). Kno read more
March 12, 2022
Hey Karsten, I have been working with this solution for some time now, but I am unable to re-enroll contacts in this workflow. Any suggestions more
shaebert on February 11, 2022
Hello, We have a button with a standard offer (that takes the person to a webpage) that we provide in every marketing email we send out. Any time someone clicks the button, we want to capture that information (who clicked it and when). Kno read more
March 12, 2022
Hey Karsten, I have been working with this solution for some time now, but I am unable to re-enroll contacts in this workflow. Any suggestions more
shaebert on November 17, 2021
Hello, we use HubSpot as an event management tool (non-webinars), but it takes a lot of effort to set everything up once we have an event. Is there a best practice/workflow/example of how I can make this process easier? Below are all the items that read more
shaebert on August 30, 2021
Hello, we host and own the domain to our website (we do not host our website with HubSpot). We have a button on a page on the site that navigates to a HubSpot form. I want to pass the UTM Parameter to the HubSpot form so when someone submits th read more
September 06, 2021
I found a solution utilizing Javascript to pass the UTM Parameter to the 2nd page. I don't have a lot of coding knowledge, but was able to do it by more
shaebert on August 30, 2021
Hello, we host and own the domain to our website (we do not host our website with HubSpot). We have a button on a page on the site that navigates to a HubSpot form. I want to pass the UTM Parameter to the HubSpot form so when someone submits th read more
September 06, 2021
I found a solution utilizing Javascript to pass the UTM Parameter to the 2nd page. I don't have a lot of coding knowledge, but was able to do it by more
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