
Member since ‎Oct 2, 2023
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Vince Bossio

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VBossio on March 25, 2024
I am using this endpoint: But it only returns primary contacts for the company not ALL contacts. There are several instances where there are additional contacts tha read more
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March 25, 2024
That url results in a "Sorry, you have been blocked" message regardless of which environment I try it in (ie. which bearer token I use)
VBossio on March 25, 2024
I am using this endpoint: But it only returns primary contacts for the company not ALL contacts. There are several instances where there are additional contacts tha read more
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3 Replies
March 25, 2024
That url results in a "Sorry, you have been blocked" message regardless of which environment I try it in (ie. which bearer token I use)
VBossio on January 08, 2024
Is there any documentation that describes all of the "data integrity" validation that occurs when a contact is added or updated through the API? I have seen "Contact already exists" exceptions returned by the API when trying to add a contact with read more
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Dadams on February 23, 2023
Beginning on May 22nd, 2023 , we will be updating our APIs to use more strict validation for updates made to contact records. What's changing? We're updating the validation for two property types. For number properties, values canno read more
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2 Replies
January 08, 2024
Is there any documentation that describes all of the "data integrity" validation that occurs when a contact is added or updated through the API? I more
VBossio on December 04, 2023
The "Restore Engagements" page shows all deleted items including Notes. The problem is, it does not show the company that the Note was assigned to (if any). I did not see a way to add columns to the "Restore Engagements" page. How can we see the read more
VBossio on December 01, 2023
Is there any way to detect that a note has been deleted in Hubspot? The goal is for an admin to be alerted that a note has been deleted so that they can take action. Right now I see no webhook or API call that returns a list of deleted notes. The read more
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