
Member since ‎Jun 21, 2018
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Kevin Bloch

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KJB on March 05, 2019
It would be great if you could add an endpoint to the existing CMS upload API . In that case, even without modules this would be very useful: All the endpoint would need to do would be the equivalent of the "Create email" feature: Good : Ta read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
April 09, 2019
Thanks @Shay ! Amazing! I can't wait to make use of this!!! 😃
KJB on March 05, 2019
It would be great if you could add an endpoint to the existing CMS upload API . In that case, even without modules this would be very useful: All the endpoint would need to do would be the equivalent of the "Create email" feature: Good : Ta read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
April 09, 2019
Thanks @Shay ! Amazing! I can't wait to make use of this!!! 😃
WhoOrderedRice on May 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone read more
February 18, 2019
Hi @Shay , thanks for responding! Although we would want to use this on most fields, one particularly invisible snag point is the "continue more
WhoOrderedRice on May 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone read more
February 18, 2019
Hi @Shay , thanks for responding! Although we would want to use this on most fields, one particularly invisible snag point is the "continue more
WhoOrderedRice on May 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone read more
February 18, 2019
Hi @Shay , thanks for responding! Although we would want to use this on most fields, one particularly invisible snag point is the "continue more
KJB on September 26, 2018
Hi everyone, When you're editing an email's modules as shown in this screenshot: would be great if I could import the data for each module from an external source, whether via an API call or uploading some JSON or w read more
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October 05, 2018
Thanks @Isaac_Takushi for confirming about the API. Yeah, it's true, any big product will have way more feature requests than can be taken care more
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