
Member since ‎Jun 20, 2018
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Xiomara Hernández

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codymiles512 on January 08, 2018
Right now, the products feature only supports 1) the product name, 2) the product quantity, 3) the product cost, and 4) recurring or fixed price. It would be incredible if I could associate custom fields with products. In my world, I need to b read more
131 Replies
June 26, 2018
Hi everyone! It will be grat to see HubSpot allows us create and pick properties for products. This will be a easy way to keep the products more
XiomaraHerlo on June 26, 2018
Hi everyone! It will be grat to see HubSpot allows us create and pick properties for products. This will be a easy way to keep the products organized by brand or solution. Do you know if HubSpot is working in something like this? Sal read more
2 Replies
XiomaraHerlo on June 21, 2018
There are occasions in which a seller generates a deal from stages after the new opportunity, this because the contact is already a recurring customer or the seller already has the interest of this one defined. It would be good if from any read more
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3 Replies
June 21, 2018
Hello! thanks for the info! but we have several properties configured in each stage of the deal, what I meant with a history of these properties is more
XiomaraHerlo on June 21, 2018
There are occasions in which a seller generates a deal from stages after the new opportunity, this because the contact is already a recurring customer or the seller already has the interest of this one defined. It would be good if from any read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 21, 2018
Hello! thanks for the info! but we have several properties configured in each stage of the deal, what I meant with a history of these properties is more
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