
Member since ‎Sep 28, 2023
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Keith Norfleet

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January 29, 2024
Yes I have. No answer there
knorfleet on January 26, 2024
At the end of a chat session, our team creates a ticket for the issue they have fixed. You can see the ticket created there in the chat thread. It looks kind of like a message, but it is not. Also, when you run an activity report, the subject of the read more
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2 Replies
October 17, 2023
Can you help me out?
October 05, 2023
I tried to run the export again with fewer fields and different combinations to no avail. Only an empty objectProperties appears to work.... {' more
October 05, 2023
No I have not made any progress. They are a combination of both custom and default. I can receive data back though. I tried with smaller properties, more
knorfleet on September 28, 2023
I am attempting to use the new export feature for tickets, I have code the pulls the entire ticket list today, but it runs for hours. With the export, everything works fine if I do not include any objectProperties. I carried over the same list of fi read more
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