
Member since ‎Sep 27, 2023
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Chris Coffin

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Jnix284 on May 26, 2023
Developers are limited to using version 5.14.0 and can't update themes to version 6. Who: developers creating themes and marketers using themes What/goal: ability to use the latest icon sets Value: adds backwards compatibility If the read more
December 22, 2023
Yes please. I'd really love to be able to organically use our Font Awesome 6 Pro subscription within Hubspot, particularly thru the "Icon" Module. more
mhznetworks on August 17, 2021
Love the new SAVED SECTIONS for email blocks. But it would be great if those SAVED sections could be editable . As they are now, the content inside the saved section is locked once you save it.
31 Replies
October 25, 2023
Please add this Hubspot team! Along with folders for website pages, these 2 shortcomings are really surprising considering most everything else is more
ProGrahamer on January 29, 2020
There are two options for creating web pages - web pages and landing pages. If you create a landing page, you can sort the mess with a folders option. If you create a "website page" there is no folder structure button : ( I'd so loooooove to read more
September 27, 2023
Yes please Hubspot! We need this so badly, it seems like a no-brainer functionality, and it's a huge opportunity missed at this time. Please add more
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