
Member since ‎Jun 14, 2018
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Naomi78 on May 03, 2018
It would be great if products information for an opportunity was included in the Salesforce integration. At the moment, opportunities/deals are passed from SF into hubspot without the products attached.
45 Replies
November 06, 2018
Just registering my comment from here in this thread too. Products aren't synced either way between HubSpot and Salesforce. This is a more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Marketing Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Marketing Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
36 Replies
September 10, 2018
Magic wand: The current set up is too prescriptive. HS have made a common mistake of designing the system to drive compliance. This means it's more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Sales Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Service Hub Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
24 Replies
September 07, 2018
Conversations are supposed to be an Inbox replacement. But.. you can't start a conversation in Conversations. You have to create a Ticket. Any more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Marketing Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Marketing Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
36 Replies
September 10, 2018
Magic wand: The current set up is too prescriptive. HS have made a common mistake of designing the system to drive compliance. This means it's more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Sales Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Sales & CRM Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number read more
43 Replies
September 04, 2018
Any plans to add a sales proposal generating option? Quotes is too basic and not a proposal generator. The integrations in this area are just more
agirard on August 31, 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Sales Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Service Hub Forum . Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of read more
0 upvote
24 Replies
September 07, 2018
Conversations are supposed to be an Inbox replacement. But.. you can't start a conversation in Conversations. You have to create a Ticket. Any more
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