
Miembro desde ‎jun 14, 2018
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Gary Arnold

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MarionFrelon en Junio 07, 2019
Hey there, after onboarding a new customer on Sales Pro, I have struggled with one of his request that seem to me to be a basic request for sales follow-up : they wanted to be able to build a custom deal report for one deal owner, showing deals Leer más
53 Me gusta
17 Respuestas
Junio 05, 2020
This type of comparison would be great, and the functionality could be used in other types of valuable comparisons. My understanding is that righ...Leer más
PDentonD22 en Diciembre 10, 2019
It'd be fab if HubSpot had the option for a night/dark mode to improve the UI. Did my eyes in working in the Chatflow tool all day (with blue-light blocking glasses!)
429 Me gusta
202 Respuestas
Junio 05, 2020
I would love this feature!
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