
Member since ‎Sep 22, 2023
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Dario Feinstein

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SHunter3 on July 16, 2021
Before I delete a sales user, I need to identify if he is connected to any workflows we ahve running. Is there a simple way to do this?
4 Replies
June 05, 2024
Hi, don't we have the option asked in the original quest? To find on which Workflows is involved a User?
DFeinstein on September 25, 2023
Hi HubSpot Community: It's my first post here so I'll appreciate any kind of suggestions on editing. I'm looking for creating a Round Robin Calendar and an error appears about the availability of the client (user who will use the RRC). On Hubspot- read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 25, 2023
Dear EmmaAtKiwi , thanks for your reply. The user has a a paid sales seat. Have a nice week.
DFeinstein on September 25, 2023
Hi HubSpot Community: It's my first post here so I'll appreciate any kind of suggestions on editing. I'm looking for creating a Round Robin Calendar and an error appears about the availability of the client (user who will use the RRC). On Hubspot- read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 25, 2023
Dear EmmaAtKiwi , thanks for your reply. The user has a a paid sales seat. Have a nice week.
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