
Member since ‎Jun 12, 2018
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Vish B


crystalgrace on July 31, 2020 The Post Template code shows different markup for content.featured_image I'd like to display just the image and remove the <a href=""> link caption. How Amt read more
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3 Replies
August 02, 2020
Hey The text seems to be coming from the alt text which is not closed properly. Try updating the name field in the module.
MathieuBazelair on July 19, 2020
Hi, I try the CLI tools but I'm actually blocked by "something normally simple". In our theme, we have the blog post detail template. In this template, I found the "blog content" section. But it's only {% if is_listing_view %} {{ module.b read more
July 20, 2020
What does the template folder structure look like?Is this an exisiting theme or was this coded by someone?
MathieuBazelair on July 19, 2020
Hi, I try the CLI tools but I'm actually blocked by "something normally simple". In our theme, we have the blog post detail template. In this template, I found the "blog content" section. But it's only {% if is_listing_view %} {{ module.b read more
July 20, 2020
What does the template folder structure look like?Is this an exisiting theme or was this coded by someone?
Daniel_eon on July 06, 2020
Hi everyone, I am trying to reverse-engineer some modules in the Design Manager that an agency did for us and make changes to them, so I am not too familiar with HubL yet and am reading through the developer documentation as I go. This one i read more
July 15, 2020
Hey Had created the same setup and i could access it with the code i sent.
simonp on July 13, 2020
Hello I wonder if any one can help me I am trying to use the AOS animate library Whereby you place the the css and js files just at the end of the end body tag and the applied a data-src attribute on to the e read more
July 14, 2020
Any working link you can share which will help understand the structure better.I have used aos before and it has worked for me.
Daniel_eon on July 06, 2020
Hi everyone, I am trying to reverse-engineer some modules in the Design Manager that an agency did for us and make changes to them, so I am not too familiar with HubL yet and am reading through the developer documentation as I go. This one i read more
July 15, 2020
Hey Had created the same setup and i could access it with the code i sent.
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