
Member since ‎Sep 19, 2023
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Kristen Moser

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KMoser317 on April 10, 2024
I'm working on doing some cleanup of old marketing emails and was wondering if there is a way to filter by those that are not currently live in active workflows? I'm not seeing it in my filter options but was hoping someone knows a trick. I like read more
April 10, 2024
We were starting to get some notices from Hubspot about these old emails being sent from unauthenticated domains, so I was concerned they were going more
KMoser317 on April 10, 2024
I'm working on doing some cleanup of old marketing emails and was wondering if there is a way to filter by those that are not currently live in active workflows? I'm not seeing it in my filter options but was hoping someone knows a trick. I like read more
April 10, 2024
We were starting to get some notices from Hubspot about these old emails being sent from unauthenticated domains, so I was concerned they were going more
KMoser317 on January 08, 2024
Hello, We recently had a new lead come in on 1/7. His new contact record was created, and the activity shows his form submission on our lead magnet. His contact record also says " Email was recently updated to {email address} by a form subm read more
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jmcdonald on July 15, 2019
Filtering by company / contact owner would be a great feature. As there are several sales people and you currently have to thumb through all of them to see what is or isn't yours. this would create an easy way to keep the data clean.
17 Replies
December 19, 2023
A bit shocked this doesn't exist. I'd like to filter by lifecycle stage as some stages (i.e. Customer) are a higher priority for de-duping than more
ABischoff on January 04, 2022
There is currently not a way to add CTA reports to a dashboard and one must go into each individual CTA to view performance. This is very inefficient.
19 Replies
December 04, 2023
Wild that I can build reports showing clicks and views of my CTAs, but not something as simple as conversion rate? It's just...math...with already more
KMoser317 on November 09, 2023
Hi all, Curious to hear from the community on how you best measure unengaged contacts in a post-Apple privacy update world. I'm hesitant to use Sends Since Last Engagement as the end all be all given the privacy updates, and our marketing st read more
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