
Member since ‎Sep 18, 2023
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Omer Alterescu

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Bowser914 on July 28, 2022
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to send an email to an existing case. In my previous CRM experience this was done using a Reference Number in the subject line but I am trying to figure out how HubSpot does it. I am aware you can log an em read more
12 Replies
October 24, 2023
Even if this goes to the conversation section section it requires another step to move it to a ticket. As some one who is coming from the service more
OAlterescu on October 23, 2023
We have HS and Jira integration set up, you can open a Jira from HS (too much customization) or connect an HS ticket to a Jora case. The problem is that now every comment/note added to the HS case is automatically copied to Jira, things that ha read more
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4 Replies
MGallmeier on September 13, 2023
Dear Community, I´d like to understand what is the best way to communicate and document a solution for a ticket. We use the ticket-function from Hubspot, so customers can create support related tickets. "I.e. my desktopscreen is black, what sh read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
September 28, 2023
From what i understood it will be shown in the portal only if I use a reply mode in the email, a new email will not be shown. is that correct ?
OAlterescu on September 18, 2023
New to HS, have a customer portal running but something is bothering me. When a customer gets into his ticket he can see only the last interaction. I would like to see the entire communication, but I can't find a way to set it up. Anyone can hel read more
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4 Replies
September 19, 2023
Thanks for the reply When I change the status from only open and Close to allowing others, in some cases I have the option to see all the more
OAlterescu on September 19, 2023
Hi all Agin new in HS and I could not find an answer in the community forum. In some cases, customers are sending an email to our support address. 1. I want to set an automatic ticket creation out of that, How 2. Will HS recognize the customer read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
MGallmeier on September 13, 2023
Dear Community, I´d like to understand what is the best way to communicate and document a solution for a ticket. We use the ticket-function from Hubspot, so customers can create support related tickets. "I.e. my desktopscreen is black, what sh read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
September 28, 2023
From what i understood it will be shown in the portal only if I use a reply mode in the email, a new email will not be shown. is that correct ?
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