
Member since ‎Sep 18, 2023
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Thomas Tews

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TTews on August 08, 2024
Hello everyone, when I plan a follow-up after completing a task, I have often noticed that I cannot select the queue for the new task directly when creating it. After I have created the task, I have to open it and then I can select the queue. read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
August 19, 2024
In this context it would also be helpful if you could choose the type of activity
TTews on August 08, 2024
Hello everyone, when I plan a follow-up after completing a task, I have often noticed that I cannot select the queue for the new task directly when creating it. After I have created the task, I have to open it and then I can select the queue. read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
August 19, 2024
In this context it would also be helpful if you could choose the type of activity
Michelle_Krick on June 28, 2024
Hallo, gibt es eine Best Practice für Vertreter-Regelung in Hubspot? Wenn ein Sales Mitarbeiter im Urlaub ist, wie bekommt ein anderer mit, dass ein Deal unterzeichnet wurde oder es neue Aktivitäten zum Kontakt/Unternehmen gab? Wenn man das read more
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July 10, 2024
Hallo Michelle, wir lösen das bei uns damit, dass beim Phasenwechsel zu "Deal gewonnen" eine interne E-Mail an eine oder mehrere Mitarbeiter more
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