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Jan Martin Kristiansen

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OliviaB on März 14, 2019
I'd like to be able to see a simple goals report, showing a sales reps individual goal vs what they have sold (goal vs deal won) for date parameters we set. I'd like to be able to see this as each individual and also as a team. So if I have User 1 w Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Januar 05, 2021
This is the most basic information we need in a report to follow up and coach a sales team. Number of calls made compared to goal, including percen...Beitrag ansehen
TauriqS on Februar 21, 2020
Hi, Currently we can set deal properties to pop up, and require them to be filled in when moving between stages. Similar to this, I'd like the ability to require that there be at least one product associated with a deal when moving to a certain Beitrag ansehen
November 26, 2020
I want a new setting on Deals, which make it mandatory to select one or more products before a deal can be moved to "won" status. The problem tod...Beitrag ansehen
Rosberg on August 14, 2018
When creating a new email in Outlook 365 i need to click the Hubspot Sales Tools button to enable bcc to Hubspot of the email. Is there any option in settings to make this copy to Hubspot by default? Is there any setting to always keep Hubspot Sales Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 25, 2018
Hi Jenny, Thank you for your answer. When working in outlook i see the Hubspot sidebar on the right side as you explain. The problem is that i ha...Beitrag ansehen
Rosberg on August 14, 2018
When creating a new email in Outlook 365 i need to click the Hubspot Sales Tools button to enable bcc to Hubspot of the email. Is there any option in settings to make this copy to Hubspot by default? Is there any setting to always keep Hubspot Sales Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 25, 2018
Hi Jenny, Thank you for your answer. When working in outlook i see the Hubspot sidebar on the right side as you explain. The problem is that i ha...Beitrag ansehen
maximilianq on Dezember 30, 2016
Some deals are closed once, but are renewed every week, month or year without having to close them again. Therefore, it would be great to have renewable deals that are automatically shown in the dashboard as recurring revenue. This means Beitrag ansehen
136 Antworten
August 09, 2018
Great to see that you are working on this, i will email you to join as tester.
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