
Member since ‎Jun 8, 2018
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Christine Haroldsonn

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lrn24 on January 02, 2019
When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
176 Replies
August 13, 2019
Yes to eloyd and all of this. We should be able to set custom follow-up intervals and set our own default task time in the "create follow up task" more
SShepard on April 24, 2017
Many of my sales interactions (calls, meetings, etc.) involve more than one contact within HubSpot. It would be very useful if there was a way to log an activity to multiple contacts by way of the "@" symbol or some other means. For example, say you read more
39 Replies
October 24, 2018
Yes, this. What Matt108 said. Upvoting
SShepard on April 24, 2017
Many of my sales interactions (calls, meetings, etc.) involve more than one contact within HubSpot. It would be very useful if there was a way to log an activity to multiple contacts by way of the "@" symbol or some other means. For example, say you read more
39 Replies
October 24, 2018
Yes, this. What Matt108 said. Upvoting
Court_CDS on May 03, 2017
PLEASE, PLEASE make the column width adjustable like Excel for example. Salesforce has this capability which allows for seeing many more data points on the Contact Record. Currently, I can see about 4-5 columns on a 24" monitor before I have to sc read more
75 Replies
June 14, 2018
I am in the same spot as Ainulindale above - I've been trying to figure out how to do it and it didn't occur to me that it was not possible!
Brandonbaker on May 14, 2018
Would be great to be able to have a native e-signature function for the new quotes add-on for Sales Pro . Currently the quote add-on allows for the addition of a signature, however, it forces the end user to print and sign and then scan and resen read more
26 Replies
June 11, 2018
Yes please! An integration with docusign and other e-signature services as well, please, so if I am using them already I can integrate it here.
Sales1 on June 08, 2018
I have imported a list of recently obtained contacts and not all of them have e-mail addresses. There was no indication that I needed to assign lead status before the import, and while importing all were marked as 'lead' lifecycle stage, which is f read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
June 11, 2018
Thank you very much! It seems obvious now, except that the top bar with the editing menu disappears when I scroll down through the contacts, so more
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