
Member since ‎Sep 14, 2023
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Ayman Maani

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AymanMn on February 06, 2024
Hey, I am attempting to incorporate an image into my quote by inserting it into a multi-text field within the deal. I'm aware that I could use an image module, but the process is too complex. The issue is when the image is too large, cau read more
AymanMn on September 18, 2023
Hello Allemal, I would like to know if it's possible to have only one subscription type on the hubspot portal and to disable all the other. I created one 'general communication' but I still have the oneToOne subscription communication and it w read more
4 Replies
September 18, 2023
Hello, Thanks for your swift response. Is it a way to (un)subscribe to all email type though a form? Regards, Ayman
AymanMn on September 18, 2023
Hello Allemal, I would like to know if it's possible to have only one subscription type on the hubspot portal and to disable all the other. I created one 'general communication' but I still have the oneToOne subscription communication and it w read more
4 Replies
September 18, 2023
Hello, Thanks for your swift response. Is it a way to (un)subscribe to all email type though a form? Regards, Ayman
AymanMn on September 14, 2023
Hello, When my contacts are subscribed to a subscription mail type the property 'opted-out of mail:'   doesn't display false (the value is an 'empty' line). look the attachtment. Does any have a solution to my issue ? Rega read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 15, 2023
Hello, First of all, Thank you for your swift answer. Then, I did opted out myself as user and it has displayed true for the 'opted-our for more
AymanMn on September 14, 2023
Hello, When my contacts are subscribed to a subscription mail type the property 'opted-out of mail:'   doesn't display false (the value is an 'empty' line). look the attachtment. Does any have a solution to my issue ? Rega read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 15, 2023
Hello, First of all, Thank you for your swift answer. Then, I did opted out myself as user and it has displayed true for the 'opted-our for more
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