
Mitglied seit ‎Sep 12, 2023
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Amy Frost

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November 17, 2024
I agree - it would also help with scoring contacts as we can score by the number of page clicks. This would be helpful to have as an option.
Oktober 28, 2024
Hi, it would great if this could be implemented to have more than one email in the reply-to address. We run mass-email followups on behalf of our sal...Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 22, 2024
Adding to this. Hubspot doesn't provide a ability to create criteria in a list which allows you see which contacts in the CRM converted from a specif...Beitrag ansehen
AFrost48 on Juni 20, 2024
Hi, I created a link in Hubspot's tracking URL feature and the link I created is blocked by Ad block. This tracking link is meant to show my ad and to track clicks and impressions to my campaign. My software workmate found out it is likely becau Beitrag ansehen
Mai 01, 2024
I would like to make this possible for workflow criteria as well. For example for score generation, if a contact has opened x amount of emails after ...Beitrag ansehen
AFrost48 on April 21, 2024
Hi, I can only link to my socials Analyze page at the moment, but I think it would be a good idea if it is was possible to have the following reports available for a socials dashboard: Sessions (a report that can show daily, monthly, etc se Beitrag ansehen
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